Disclosure Requirements

Diversity and Inclusion

Employee/Contractor Acknowledgement Form

As a course provider of online driver education, National Highway Safety Administration, LLC (NHSA) is bound to and respectfully adheres to an environment supportive of diversity and inclusion.

At NHSA, diversity refers to any dimension that can be used to differentiate people or groups from one another.  For example, these differences can be based on either internal and external factors such as age, race, gender, background, education and national origin.  Inclusion is a state of being valued, respected and supported. It’s about focusing on the needs of every individual and ensuring the right conditions are in place for each person to achieve his or her full potential.

  • NHSA benefits from a diverse employee/contractor workforce when each person contributes ideas based on personal experiences and background.  Our diverse workforce demonstrates social responsibility and social awareness, and enhances our ability to participate in a global marketplace and tap into emerging markets.  We are committed to fostering an inclusive environment wherein all persons are encouraged and empowered to work to their highest potential.
  • Leveraging differences of staff members enhances our company’s ability to offer the broadest spectrum of learning to our students.  Our internal diversity and inclusion expectations transfer to our ability to provide the most accessible training to our learners.
  • NHSA supplies easy to read curriculum for English speaking students, as well as offers translation options for students who have limited proficiency in English, or for other reasons may need such assistance.  We also include an assortment of training mediums (graphs, charts, videos) to engage a variety of learning styles. While online driver education training is not traditionally suitable in an audio-only format, audio accessibility options can be made available to students by request. 
  • NHSA course material includes testing within the modules to ensure appropriate understanding and retention of material, as well as an end-of-course exam. The coursework was developed with universal design principles in mind, and conforms to the U.S. Section 504 and Section 508 provisions for electronic and information technology as well as the W3C’s Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG 2.0).
  • All NHSA instructors are provided one on one training in how to assist any student needing to use any of our accessibility options.

As an employee, contractor or subcontractor affiliated with or directly working for National Highway Safety Administration, LLC (NHSA), I hereby acknowledge that I have read, understand and agree to respect the Diversity and Inclusion guidelines stated above. 


SIGNATURE ________________________________________________________________

DATE ______________________________________________________________________


Related information can be referenced at Federal Communications Commission on Equal Employment Opportunity[1]

[1] Federal Communications Commission EEO Poster