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Parent-Taught Teacher Requirements

National Highway Safety Administration Online Drivers Ed and Driving Safety

This information applies to the following TEXAS course:

According to the Parent Taught Driver Education Program Guide (which can be obtained here), state law only allows people in the following relationship(s) to the student to teach the Parent Taught program:

  • Parent
  • Step-parent
  • Grandparent
  • Step-grandparent
  • Court-appointed legal guardian

Alternatively, a parent, legal guardian, or judge of a court with jurisdiction over the student may designate a person to instruct the course who meets the following criteria:

  • Is at least 25 years old;
  • Does not charge a fee for conducting the course;
  • Has at least 7 years of driving experience; and
  • Meets all additional instructor qualifications listed below.

Additionally, state law requires that teachers of the Parent Taught driver education program meet the following qualifications:

  • Have a valid driver license for the last three years that has not been suspended, revoked, or forfeited. If you held an out-of-state license during the past three years, you will be required to provide a copy of your driving record showing your three years of licensed driving history.
  • Cannot have any convictions for driving while intoxicated in the past 7 years
  • Cannot have any convictions for criminally negligent homicide (including probated sentences), regardless of how long ago the offense occurred
  • Cannot have six or more points assigned to your driver license; and
  • Cannot be disabled due to mental illness.