Blog posts of '2018' 'October'

7 Ways to Drive Safe on Halloween

While most people associate Halloween with candy, costumes, and nighttime fun, there’s also a scary side to the holiday that people rarely consider. It is an especially dangerous time for children who are out on the streets. Why is Halloween such a dangerous time for children? On that day, young ones start to fill the sidewalks in the late afternoon. Depending on the neighborhood, they may still be pushing doorbells and collecting candy well into the night. In their excitement to get the best treats, they are less aware of the vehicles around them.

Driving and Coffee - Do They Mix?

Driving and Coffee - Do They Mix? There’s a day to celebrate almost everything, and since 2015 there’s been a day to celebrate coffee. On October 1, International Coffee Day, events take place in 54 countries around the world, from Africa to Canada and Indonesia to Colombia. Why should we focus on coffee for a whole day? Not only to share our love of the dark brew but also to bring attention to the role of men and women who work hard to cultivate those beans we so appreciate. Many drivers are quite eager to celebrate caffeine. Caffeine can be the boost that keeps a person alert behind the wheel.