Blog posts tagged with 'driving tips'

5 Ways to Drive Safely in the Rain

Dealing with heavy rains while you’re behind the wheel is not just a nuisance. That violent downpour is actually dangerous. In fact, in the United States, half of all flood fatalities involve vehicles. Staying safe while driving in the rain is possible. In this article, we’ll go over five ways you can master the elements and drive safely in the rain.

How to Reduce Distractions When Driving

Can you stay focused while driving and still perform another task at the same time? You might be tempted to take advantage of a calm moment behind the wheel. For instance, on a straight stretch of road, you may want to multitask by sending a text message or applying lipstick.

It's April—Are You an Aware Driver?

We hear so much about distracted driving, but what does it really mean? April is Distracted Driving Awareness Month, a whole month dedicated to helping people understand the dangers of distracted driving and how they can protect themselves. Have you ever engaged in distracted driving, perhaps without realizing it? Take this fast quiz to see if you’ve been a victim of distracted driving temptations.

How to Navigate in Icy Conditions

Ice. The word can strike fear into the hearts of experienced drivers as well as new ones. Slippery icy roads are one of the most difficult conditions you’ll face as a driver, but in this article we help you be prepared to navigate icy conditions like a pro.

What Should You Know Before Driving In Canada?

Majestic mountain ranges, expansive lakes and breathtaking prairies all make Canada a popular destination for visitors from the United States. You can appreciate these peaceful sights, even more, when you take the time to drive through this vast country. However, what should you know before driving in Canada?

Should I Join a Roadside Assistance Program?

Oh no! It happened again . . . another flat tire. And this time, you forgot to put the new spare tire back in the trunk. What are you going to do? That type of uncomfortable situation has existed ever since cars were invented. For that reason, automobile clubs that provide roadside assistance have existed for almost as long as cars have been around.

10 Tips for Parents of New Drivers

Parenting can take on new levels of stress as children reach the driving age. Kids think of the freedom that having a driver’s license can bring them. Parents, though, are more likely to worry about the risks. They may wonder about their teenager’s attention to safety and how their vehicle will get through this time scratch-free. After all, teenagers are three times more likely to be involved in a fatal crash than drivers age 20 or older. How can you make the transition as smooth and easy as possible?

World Tourism Day - What Tourism Means for Drivers

World Tourism Day – What Tourism Means for Drivers. Do you love to travel by personal vehicle when on vacation? Road trips are an excellent way to see new sights. When traveling by car or truck you can stop and get an in-depth look at the many small communities you pass through. You can enjoy off-the-beaten-path adventures that would have never happened if you simply flew by plane over those areas.

Safely Sharing the Road with School Buses

Did you know that school buses are far safer than the other vehicles on the road? The government sets all kinds of regulations about what kind of vehicle can be used to transport school students, how that vehicle is built, how many people can ride on the bus, and where they should be sitting. And it is a good thing these regulations are set - the result is that there are relatively few student fatalities each year.

10 Ways to Cope with Summer Weather

The long days of summer are here! Gone are the days of freezing temperatures, dreaded black ice, and the blizzards of winter that can make driving hazardous. However, don’t underestimate the challenges of dealing with summer weather while on the road. The blistering summer sun can vehicles, drivers, and passengers – and even the family pet! Here are 10 smart ways to cope with summer weather. Expect the unexpected While you can’t change the weather, you can be prepared to deal with it.