Blog posts of '2019' 'April'

May is Bicycle Safety Month!

In many parts of the United States, balmier weather has finally arrived. After those long grey winter months, people are now dusting off their bicycles, inflating the tires and grabbing their helmets. Families will venture out to ride in parks and public areas. Office workers will mount their favorite bicycle to get to work without the hassle of being stuck in traffic.

4 Ways to Prepare for Car Buying Season

The month of May is often considered to be the beginning of the “buying season” for vehicles. Are you looking to buy a car? There are so many choices to consider, including the make and model, year, color, size and gas mileage. Your vehicle will probably be the second-biggest expense in your budget (after housing), so it’s best to take your time deciding. How can you avoid getting stuck with a “lemon”? In this post, we’ll show you four ways to be wise when choosing which car to buy.

April is Distracted Driving Awareness Month

Distracted driving—your first thought may be of cell phone use, but many other circumstances can be just as distracting. For instance, a phone call may suddenly ping in on your dashboard touchscreen, you may be scanning to find your favorite song in an endless playlist, or you could even just be trying to figure out how to move the automatic seat back just one more inch.