Blog posts of '2020' 'July'

Road Trip Activities for Children

“I love resting in the back seat on a road trip. It gives me time to think.” Yes, that would be nice, but have you honestly ever heard this from any child? Backseat moods in the real world are usually more akin to the Grizwolds as they painfully made their way towards Wally World. Sadly, the enthusiasm of a vacationing parent does not always trickle down to their children, fidgeting and complaining along the highway. You may even recall being in the same position yourself on a long-distance road trip and wondering “Are we there yet?” So, how can you make the journey more enjoyable, memorable and peaceful for your young ones?

Tips for Traveling in a Recreational Vehicle

Are you planning a trip in an RV? Whether you are traveling in a motorhome or dragging along a trailer, get ready for an unforgettable experience. It can unite your family and give you lasting memories. What can you do to keep the road trip fun and safe for everyone? Here are some of our favorite tips for traveling in a recreational vehicle.