Blog posts of '2018' 'July'

Heatstroke Awareness Day - July 31

How to Save a Child on Heatstroke Awareness Day Over the last 20 years, nearly 800 children in the United States have died of heatstroke in vehicles. To help save children across the country, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) has declared July 31 National Heatstroke Awareness Day.

July is Vehicle Theft Prevention Month

July is National Vehicle Theft Prevention Month. However, is there really a need to be concerned about vehicle theft? Yes! In the United States, a motor vehicle is stolen every 41 seconds. That amounts to more than 750,000 drivers around the country that get their vehicles stolen every year. No doubt you want to keep your vehicle safe. So, what should you know?

10 Ways to Cope with Summer Weather

The long days of summer are here! Gone are the days of freezing temperatures, dreaded black ice, and the blizzards of winter that can make driving hazardous. However, don’t underestimate the challenges of dealing with summer weather while on the road. The blistering summer sun can vehicles, drivers, and passengers – and even the family pet! Here are 10 smart ways to cope with summer weather. Expect the unexpected While you can’t change the weather, you can be prepared to deal with it.