Blog posts of '2020' 'January'

Puerto Rico Dreaming—and Driving

A visit to Puerto Rico requires no visa and the island uses the US dollar. The roadway laws are basically the same as in the United States, albeit with Spanish signage. But what about driving in Puerto Rico? Here are several tips to help you navigate the “Island of Enchantment.”

8 Ways to Stay Safe When Using Rideshare Services

Ride-sharing companies have blossomed all around the world. About 14 million riders every day opt to use a ride-share appin the United States alone. Many people consider the service to be a convenient, safe and cheap alternative to hailing a taxi. Have you considered using one of these services? While the majority of ride-share app users have never had a negative experience, you should always take precautions to stay safe. Here are eight tips to enjoy your ride and avoid the dangers.