Blog posts of '2020' 'December'

How to Get Points Removed From Your Driving Record

The dreaded moment! You hear the sirens. Red and blue lights flash in rotation. In the rearview mirror, you see the police vehicle. You have unintentionally broken a traffic law, and now the officer will come over to your vehicle to explain your traffic violation. You know that receiving a ticket means that you’ll get points on your license. However, you may be wondering what that means and how you can get those points removed.

Driving Safe During the Holiday Season

Over 100 million Americans traveled during the holiday season in 2019, and most of those travelers took to the road to arrive at their destinations. Unfortunately, every holiday hundreds of people are killed in vehicle crashes. From unpredictable weather to unpredictable drivers, emergencies on the road are common during the holiday season. How can you make sure that you and your family are driving safely during the holiday season?

How to Share the Road With Emergency Vehicles

You’re calmly driving down the highway on your way to work, thinking about your plans for the weekend, and wondering why your dog didn’t want to eat breakfast today—basically a typical morning. And then you hear it. The sirens. After a quick glimpse at your speedometer (don’t worry, you’re within the speed limit), you realize the sirens aren’t for you. It’s an ambulance, and you can see in the rearview mirror that the flashing lights are coming up behind you. What should you do?