Blog posts tagged with 'summer road trip'

How to Plan Your Visit to a U.S. National Park

Regardless of your concept of beautiful scenery, thrilling adventure, or perfect serenity, the vast selection of United States National Parks means that at least one park—or many!—will enthrall you. Before you head out, you need to know which parks to visit, when you should go and the cost involved. Read on to find out.

Beat the Heat—Prepare Your Car for Summer!

As summer heat and humidity reach their peak, you will want to protect your vehicle. The good news is that you can avoid costly repairs—we'll show you how with this checklist.

10 Ways to Cope with Summer Weather

The long days of summer are here! Gone are the days of freezing temperatures, dreaded black ice, and the blizzards of winter that can make driving hazardous. However, don’t underestimate the challenges of dealing with summer weather while on the road. The blistering summer sun can vehicles, drivers, and passengers – and even the family pet! Here are 10 smart ways to cope with summer weather. Expect the unexpected While you can’t change the weather, you can be prepared to deal with it.

Preparing for a Summer Road Trip

Road Trip! Summer road trips are a cherished tradition for many families. Create wonderful memories, explore new places, and even save some money along the way by traveling together by car. Of course, safety should be one primary concern on a long road trip. There’s a valid reason for this; U.S. Department of Transportation surveys show that more deaths occur on roadways from June to August than any other time of year. To create pleasant memories for all, take some time to plan your trip. Our summer road trip checklist is the perfect resource for making sure that your family outing will be remembered for years to come.