Blog posts tagged with 'safe driving'

How to Reduce Distractions When Driving

Can you stay focused while driving and still perform another task at the same time? You might be tempted to take advantage of a calm moment behind the wheel. For instance, on a straight stretch of road, you may want to multitask by sending a text message or applying lipstick.

It's April—Are You an Aware Driver?

We hear so much about distracted driving, but what does it really mean? April is Distracted Driving Awareness Month, a whole month dedicated to helping people understand the dangers of distracted driving and how they can protect themselves. Have you ever engaged in distracted driving, perhaps without realizing it? Take this fast quiz to see if you’ve been a victim of distracted driving temptations.

How to Navigate in Icy Conditions

Ice. The word can strike fear into the hearts of experienced drivers as well as new ones. Slippery icy roads are one of the most difficult conditions you’ll face as a driver, but in this article we help you be prepared to navigate icy conditions like a pro.

5 Tips for Driving in the Snow

Perhaps one of the best tips for driving in the snow may be the suggestion to not go out at all. On a wintry day with the snow softly falling, you might decide to opt to snuggle up in front of the fire with a cup of hot chocolate in hand. If you’re not used to driving in the snow and can stay home during that snowstorm, take the safe option. However, if you must go out and you see heavy snow blanketing the roads, use these tips to arrive safely to your destination.

How to Drive Safely—Even in Cities (and With the Worst Drivers)

Increasingly congested cities, longer commute times and shorter tempers make driving in cities a challenge. Perhaps you have felt the frustration of trying to navigate an unfamiliar downtown area in heavy traffic. Add to that damaged infrastructure, and drivers that are careless or violate traffic laws, and you have situations that try the patience of even the calmest person.

Tips for Safe Driving in the U.S. Virgin Islands

The U.S. Virgin Islands are just over 1,000 miles from Florida, which means a relaxing tropical paradise is just a quick flight away. As the tourism brochures are quick to tout, these Caribbean islands are lined with dazzling white-sand beaches and breathtakingly beautiful blue waters.

Driving Safe During the Holiday Season

Over 100 million Americans traveled during the holiday season in 2019, and most of those travelers took to the road to arrive at their destinations. Unfortunately, every holiday hundreds of people are killed in vehicle crashes. From unpredictable weather to unpredictable drivers, emergencies on the road are common during the holiday season. How can you make sure that you and your family are driving safely during the holiday season?

How to Share the Road With Emergency Vehicles

You’re calmly driving down the highway on your way to work, thinking about your plans for the weekend, and wondering why your dog didn’t want to eat breakfast today—basically a typical morning. And then you hear it. The sirens. After a quick glimpse at your speedometer (don’t worry, you’re within the speed limit), you realize the sirens aren’t for you. It’s an ambulance, and you can see in the rearview mirror that the flashing lights are coming up behind you. What should you do?

The Danger of Driving in Rural Areas

If you do not use the word "rural" very often, this basically refers to the countryside, away from the hustle and bustle of city life. Is it safer to drive in a city or in a rural area? Most people would probably respond that country roads are much safer. After all, there are fewer cars! A driver doesn’t have to worry about as many fender benders. There are no furious taxi drivers shouting at you as you try to maneuver through the streets. And, in general, there is less chaos on the nation's backroads. However, most people would be wrong.

Should I Join a Roadside Assistance Program?

Oh no! It happened again . . . another flat tire. And this time, you forgot to put the new spare tire back in the trunk. What are you going to do? That type of uncomfortable situation has existed ever since cars were invented. For that reason, automobile clubs that provide roadside assistance have existed for almost as long as cars have been around.